BOB Didaktic's OMG and BOS Didaktic's Name Me Moondance
Australian Kelpie Main Specialty Show 2019
63 kelpies entered
Judge: Britt Siegstad, Denmark
All pictures: Janne Bergman unless stated other.
Our results:
Puppy Class (5-7 months)
1. HP BOB-puppy BIS-2 puppy Didaktic’s Quicksilver

Puppy Class (5-7 months)
1. HP BOS-puppy Didaktic’s Qiana
2. HP Didaktic’s Qiwi
3. HP Didaktic’s Queen of Hearts

Puppy Class (7-9 months)
4. Didaktic’s Starbuck

Intermediate Class
EXC1 CQ BM3 CAC Didaktic’s Omega
EXC4 Didaktic’s O’boy
VG Didaktic’s Oreo
Champion Class
EXC1 CQ BM1 BOS Didaktic’s Name Me Moondance
EXC3 Nomen Est Omen
EXC4 Didaktic’s Imico
EXC Didaktic’s New Hope

Open Class
EXC Didaktic’s Me Myself and I
EXC Didaktic’s Never Say Never
VG Didaktic’s Prada
VG Didaktic’s J’Lo
Champion Class
EXC1 CQ BB1 CAC BOB BIS-2 Didaktic’s OMG
EXC2 CQ BB2 Didaktic’s Make Me A Star
EXC Didaktic’s Not For Sale

Didaktic’s Make Me A Star
Breeders Group
(Name Me Moondance, Omega, OMG, Make Me A Star)