Litter is born (19.5.2021). Five red bitches. All big and strong babies.
All puppies are reserved!
We have great possibility to use CH Didaktic’s Make Me A Star, ”NAAVA” once more into the breeding. Naava is already mother to our S-litter. Sire to this A2-litter will be handsome and super nice male CH Didaktic’s Name Me Moondance. This litter will be line breeding into CH Didaktic’s Arana.
Naava is pregnant!
We expect puppies to born at week 20.
FI CH BH Didaktic’s Make Me A Star, ”NAAVA”
(CH Didaktic’s Iceman – Evallens Black & Tan Min Egen)
OD: 0/0
Spinal: LTV1
Eyes: 0/0
Passed Character test: LT +128 p.
Secure with shots.
FI CH Didaktic’s Name Me Moondance, ”WARRE”
(CH Promotion Benelli Tornado – CH Didaktic’s Cosmopolitan)
d.o.b. 21.2.2016
ED: 0/0
Spinal: LTV0, SP0
Eyes: 0/0
Cardiac health certificate auscultation examination: no symptoms.
Size: 49 cm
Show: FI CH
Herding: PAIM1
Rally-Obedience: RTK1
Obedience: TK1
Approved Character test +171 points.