Finally Finland is opening a bit. Starting from May there has been possibility to organize some small events like obedience, herding and agility competitions. I am glad to see that many of you have used this past year to practice and develop despite of the situation. Here are our results from May 2021.
In the picture Didaktic’s Tequila in action, by PM Lehikoinen.
HERDING – Traditional Style
Didaktic’s Tequila, (Bocopies Barcoo – Didaktic’s Not For Sale),
passed herding instinct test (NHAT) with EXC-marking.
Didaktic’s Starbuck, (Evallens Red & Tan Lix – Didaktic’s Make Me A Star),
solved her way to highest class of traditional herding, also wining her class.
PAIM2-ERI, 95/100 p.

In obedience we have got two debutants who have started their career with good results:
Didaktic’s Qiana, (Didaktic’s Iceman – Didaktic’s Lexus)
ALO1, 166p.
Didaktic’s Qaya, (Didaktic’s Iceman – Didaktic’s Lexus)
ALO1, 185,5 p. and HP, placement. 1/5.
Dana did her first competition after long break in highest class of obedience and got second attchment on her way towards obedience champion. Way to go girl!
Didaktic’s Not For Sale, (Promotion Benelli Tornado – Didaktic’s Cosmopolitan)
EVL1, 276 p., placement. 1/5.
Didaktic’s Not For Sale Didaktic’s Qaya Didaktic’s Qiana
Didaktic’s Playboy, (Didaktic’s Imico – Didaktic’s J’Lo)
AGI-1, 0, LUVA, placement 1.
Didaktic’s Ray Ban, (Evallen’s Chocolate Treasure – Didaktic’s Midnight Star)
AGI-1, 0, LUVA.
Didaktic’s Pink, (Didaktic’s Imico – Didaktic’s J’Lo)
AGI-2, 0, placement 2.
Didaktic’s Playboy Didaktic’s RayBan Didaktics Pink
Didaktic’s No Gravity, (Ch Promotion Benelli Tornado – Ch Didaktic’s Cosmopolitan)
Passed BH-test.