7.8.2021 Kokkola Group Show
Judge: Leila Kärkäs, FI
EXC1 CQ BB1 CAC BOB Didaktic’s Skyfall
(Evallens Red & Tan Lix – Ch Didaktic’s Make Me A Star)
EXC2 CQ BB2 Didaktic’s Qaya
(Ch Didaktic’s Iceman – Didaktic’s Lexus)
Now Dumle has all needed CAC and we are just waiting her to take character test to finalize her champion title! She has also started her Agility care well so more good results are welcome!

7.8.2021 Savitaipale Group Show
Judge: Elena Oikkonen, FI
EXC2 CQ BM3 res-CAC Didaktic’s Tequila
(Ch Bocopies Barcoo – Ch Didaktic’s Not For Sale)