Things are moving fast!

We just recovered from mating Naava and today I got information that Myy has started her heat today. With quick counting and with bit of luck there will bee three weeks between our A2- and W-litters. Well we don’t have problems with spare time during the summer. More about W-litter you can read here.

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Mating has happened!

Warre and Naava met each other first time on Thursday. It was quick date. Mating happened fast and easy! Second mating was on Friday. Now we just have to wait for some weeks to see if Naava is pregnant. Didaktic’s A2 litter

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Time crawls when you are really waiting for something. We all know that. Finally today I got message from Nano that Nava has started her heat. Now we get a bit further with our plans towards our A2-litter. Unfortunately there are so many inquiries already that I don’t take any more people into this waiting […]

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New Year, same dreams, new chances!

Despite all efforts we didn’t manage to get our X-litter. Saaga was found empty, like we already suspected. Well sometimes breeding is like this and over the years I have got this feeling that there is a purpose for everything. This is only second time in our quite long breeding history that mating didn’t succeeded as planned. […]

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“The only constant in life is change”

In the picture Didaktic’s Queen Of Hearts, Didaktic’s OMG, Didaktic’s Starbuck and Didaktic’s Tequila. All from different litters.  Jenna Lindgren Sad news… Three weeks ago we got big setback in our breeding as well as in personal level when we had to say goodbye to our dear puppy-girl Lily (Didaktic’s VIP), when we lost her due […]

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New Obedience Champion and other excellent results

OBEDIENCE 30.8.2020 Pieksämäki TK4 and FI TVA Didaktic’s Lotus (Cefeus Uffe II – Didaktic’s Dominica) handler: Milla Mertaoja HERDING Herding Working Test – traditional style PAIM-E Didaktic’s Not For Sale handler: Mari Kautto PAIM Didaktic’s Name Me Moondance handler: Kiti Levistö PAIM-1, EH  85 PAIM-1, EH88 SEARCH AND RESCUE Didaktic’s Peekaboo handler: Kaisa Korkalo Hyväksytty Pelastuskoiraliiton […]

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Semi-Annual Report – Puolivuotiskatsaus

Kolme sukupolvea! Aina välillä on hyvä katsoa taaksepäin ja todeta, että kaikesta on selvitty, miksi ei siis tästäkin vuodesta. Asioilla on taipumus järjestyä. Kuluva vuosi on ollut monella tapaa varsin erikoinen. Korona on muuttanut sekä työ- että harrastuselämää merkittävästi. Alkuvuodesta U- ja V-pentujemme pentuaika, vierailut ja luovutukset sujuivat hienosti. Pientä jännitystä elämään toi Uudenmaan alueen […]

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V-litter is born – 26.5.2020

After midnight Leia started to give signs about coming delivery. sire: Evallens Red & Tan Unik dam: Didaktic’s Never Say Never 2 red male 1 r&t male 2 red bitch (+ 2 angel puppies, male and bitch, red and red & tan) Now we have five strong babies. Mom and her kids are doing fine. […]

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