Finally Finland is opening a bit. Starting from May there has been possibility to organize some small events like obedience, herding and agility competitions. I am glad to see that many of you have used this past year to practice and develop despite of the situation. Here are our results from May 2021. In the […]
Famous five – they are here!
What a fine bitch we have here – Naava! Wednesday morning, 62 days from first mating Nava started to deliver. Five puppies with in four hours, starting from 8am and ready by noon. That is so nice to have bitch who delivers during business hours Five big and strong, red bitches out off combination: […]
A2-litter (born 19.5.2021)
Litter is born (19.5.2021). Five red bitches. All big and strong babies. All puppies are reserved! We have great possibility to use CH Didaktic’s Make Me A Star, ”NAAVA” once more into the breeding. Naava is already mother to our S-litter. Sire to this A2-litter will be handsome and super nice male CH Didaktic’s Name […]
Only one litter for this spring
Looks like that unfortunately our B2-litter will be moved to autumn.At mid May we hopefully have a litter from Naava. She is now six weeks pregnant and quite big already. Now we concentrate to take care of her and her coming kids! HUOM!Koska tälle keväälle on tulossa vain yksi pentue (A2), en ota enää uusia […]
Puppies on the way!
Today it is confirmed that we have a reason to expect our A2-litter to born at week 20. More about A2-litter.
Qaya – all ready to go
Today we got rest of the health exams done for Didaktics Qaya for her coming mating. All looks so good. Now we just wait her to start her heat! Didaktic’s B2-litter HD: A/A Elbows: 0/0 Knees: 0/0 Spinal: LTV1, VA0 Eyes: clear, no evidence of inherited eye diseases Heart: clear, no symptoms, no murmur
C2-litter (born 20.9.2021)
Didaktic’s Sirius, ”RIESU” gave birth seven lovely puppies: 2 b&t males, 3 r&t males and 2 r&t bitches. I don’t take any new inquiries to this litter any more – sorry! Riesu is super-nice and easygoing, beautiful bitch who do well with other animals and children. Male is handsome, nice working, well functioning, male with […]
If something can go wrong it most likely will!
Two virtues that breeder must have are patience and tolerance for disappointment. Both of these are needed time to time. We have been waiting our W-litter for a while and now when everything looked fine there came set back: Myy (Didaktic’s OMG) got herself pneumonia and long sick leave with antibiotics. Mating would have been […]
Things are moving fast!
We just recovered from mating Naava and today I got information that Myy has started her heat today. With quick counting and with bit of luck there will bee three weeks between our A2- and W-litters. Well we don’t have problems with spare time during the summer. More about W-litter you can read here.
Mating has happened!
Warre and Naava met each other first time on Thursday. It was quick date. Mating happened fast and easy! Second mating was on Friday. Now we just have to wait for some weeks to see if Naava is pregnant. Didaktic’s A2 litter